Oh the best news that I have to share is that I have another little cousin. He was born on the 21st of July ( also the day that Mummy and Daddy were married) and his name is Jonathan. I can't wait to meet him though I guess he won't be much fun for a while anyway.
I can't write much as Mummy has told me to finish my packing as we are off on holiday. Im sure she will be very happy with what I have packed so far; one of mummys leather gloves, daddys flip flops, Eeyore, Doo Doo, Mr Kew and some raisins.
I have been having so much fun with Grandma and Poppa. They even sent Mummy and Daddy away last weekend so we could more fun without them.That was a great idea. They have gone now on a big boat but Mummy reassures me that they will be back. Poppa has nearly finished the painting on my new house. I love my new house. I shalltake a picture when it is all finished so I won't ruin the surprise.
Anyway have to go, Mummy is getting bossy about leaving to catch the train. See you in a week