Monday, August 30, 2010

I am Paddington Bear!

iceblock time!

sleeping time

I put my nappy on all by myself!

A couple of crazy things happened to me this week. First I decided to make a dash onto the main road and then tonight when Mummy and I were shopping I got stuck in the revolving door! Lucky for me I was on my bike so I was only annoyed I couldnt go anywhere! Mummy was relieved to get me home!
I am missing Changsook and Will though. Even though I talked about them all day today at my nannys house they still didnt reappear like I wanted them too. They were fun and did lots of painting with me. I actually think they are more fun than Mummy and Daddy.

I went to lots of parties this weekend. I had Mummys work party where I got to run around everywhere with my new friends, Finn and Freida, we went to Daddys work party where I ate and bounced and then I went to my friend Ollys 3rd birthday party where he had the coolest toys to play with. I think its because he is so big that everything seemed so much cooler. I also ate a lot there. At the party I also said a long sentence in Danish that translated to ' I can do it too!' Mummy was a bit too excited to be honest, sometimes I shouldnt take her to parties with me, its too embarrassing the way she carries on.

Mummys exciting news was that on Wednesday I did my first 'poo' in the potty, all by myself. Mummy wanted to help but I insisted that I needed some time to myself. She is always milling around wanting to help! I gave her a little treat and then on Saturday I weeeeeed all by myself in the potty again. Mummy and Daddy think they might just leave me to it.

Mummy just got sent some more pictures of Annabella and I so she has given them to me to pop up for you all to see.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Today I found a new game. While Mummy was busy cooking I managed to find the little tongs and very carefully I could pick one potato up from the cupboard and take it off around the house. It was such a fun game and I managed to deposit them in many fun places such as under the table,in the wine rack, in the study and in the vases.

Ive started singing to my favourite song at the moment. Its called 'We're going to the zoo tomorrow.' I like the chorus the best. Hopefully Mummy can film me when she finds a minute to breath.

I was sick all weekend with a horrible cough. Mummy and Daddy kept me up all
night and wouldnt let me sleep at all though we did all have an hour on Friday night!

Yesterday we went to our friends house, Niels-Bo and Anita. They cooked a lot of food and I figured out preeettty quickly if I charmed Anita I could get second helpings of icecream. To be honest she was pretty much a walkover. I hope we get to go back!

Today my friend Moa came over with her daddy and we painted. I decided to eat the paintbrush straight away so I had a blue mouth though funnily enough Moa didn't copy me. Mummy wasnt surprised! We had a lot of fun painting especially with our hands.

Oh and the exciting news of the week is that we bought our house here in Denmark. Mummy and Daddy are very excited and are already planning my bedroom in the roof. That will be a BIG BIG walk for me, up all those stairs but Im getting bigger so I suppose I will be ok.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Im not sharing with you Mummy!

A LOT of fun we had this weekend. My very first girlfriend, Annabella, from Seoul came to visit! I couldn't believe my eyes when she arrived on Thursday night. We were both so excited to see each other that we ran around and around and around and around and around the house until we couldnt run any longer, or giggle for that matter. I was so lucky because everytime I woke up she was still there. We got to eat breakfast together, lunch, sleep at the same time, ride bikes together,well we did EVERYTHING together. All the mummies and all the daddies took us riding on Saturday and we got very wet. Actually Annabella and I were quite cozy in our little trailer with our snacks and books. Mummy told me it was the most rain since 1931 so I wondered why the mummies and daddies decided to go biking?Maybe they like being soaked! We were also very excited as we had Korean and because Annabella and I were both born in Seoul ( and she now lives in Thailand) we both love rice and Korean food so we ate a lot as we had worked up quite a hunger from all the cycling. We also left a lot of food on the ground and big puddles from all the mummies and daddies clothes.

I really really really miss Annabella.I wish we lived in the same country.

We also enjoyed our bubble baths and hiding in beds together as well as jumping on beds together. Now I will just have to wait for someone else to visit.... I wonder who is next?

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Im back! Im sorry that I have been missing in action for a few weeks. I have had so much to do this week that I forgot my blog. I hope you like the pictures from my holiday in the Indian Ocean, a little place called the Maldives that might not be there in the future. We had a lovely time in the sun and on the beach. Doodoo liked it so much that he is still on holiday. Im not sure when he will be back but he is very lucky to be still away.
Some of my favourite parts:
Smacking into the sea on my first seaplane trip ( I shouted 'more more' when all the adults were very green and scared looking!)
Eating fresh fishies every day,hmmm yummy yummy
Catching 4 planes to get to the island and 5 planes back! I love planes so much.
Swimming in the big warm bath. I learnt a new word..... Salty!
Seeing lots of crabs ( not sure about those) and huge bats, as big as a cat,flying through the sky and swooping over our heads.

I had a great holiday and then when we came back Grandma and Poppa were back from their big boat trip so that was nice for me. They left this week on the big plane and we are all sad.

Im talking a lot and can now say mini sentences. I like to repeat EVERYTHING Mummy and Daddy say which gets them laughing so I think Im on to a winner. Yesterday in a shop I was caught by the shop lady trying on shoes. I had even taken my sandals off and had the boot on the right foot before Mummy and the lady came to find me.

Oh I can say my name now though I like to describe myself more as 'the big boy.'

Mummy starts work tomorrow. I hope she won't forget to pick me up at the end of the day. She is a bit forgetful these days. Im a big boy anyway so I like being with my friends Noah,Sara and Nina. I speak a special language to them that Mummy cant understand.

Mummy tells me that my first girlfriend Annabella from Seoul is coming to visit this week, I hope she will play in my new house with me. I will let you know if she was any fun.

Poppa and Daddy finished my house. It is the bestest house in the whole world. Mummy promises to take some photos of it so I can show you just how lucky I am.

Well I am off for my sleep. Have a nice week everyone.