My mummy just coming out of the jungle

Doing exercises with Mummy

Meeting the new baby goats at the zoo..we love spring at the zoo!

Eating Korean with Daniel, I especially loved the seaweed!

At the library, hugging the donkey and playing a tune on the electric guitar.

I forgot to tell you that Im beginning to be an even 'bigger boy' now that I have decided to use the potty and the toilet before I go bed in the evenings and sometimes at different times during the day in the weekends. Mummy and Daddy get very excited, Mummy has even put some of my books next to the toilet which is quite fun! Daddy is very good at 'egging' me on and sometimes I get a few smarties as a reward. Im not sure what the fuss is about, I am quite big now after all.
I am really enjoying my new nursery with my new friends. We go on fun trips and the other week we went to the forest with our teacher. I get to sleep next to my new friend Caroline, and play with Bertram who is quite big but we have reached an 'understanding' with each other and we have lots of fun together.
Im continuing to look after Mummy by making sure she doesnt stop lifting me up and throwing me around, I cant have her putting on any more weight and lying around can I? Sometimes when I sit on Mummy I can feel the baby kicking me in the back, I think its saying hello but it makes me giggle. Im not sure how much longer the baby will stay in but Mummy sure is getting big, baths with Mummy are at stretching point but I think she enjoys them so I dont say much to hurt her feelings...sometimes we just need to do these things for our Mummies.