Wales vs Samoa
My first ever live rugby game

with Mummy!

What do you think Poppa? Shall we do some singing?

Yes, we will do some singing and Mummy you can join us!

Thats me under, jumping in under the water.

My new friend Annabel

hmmm something tells me that I took this one of myself!

Bath time fun!

Very carefully looking after my bean bag on my head!

Having a boogie

Cafe time with Mummy after swimming

Just chilling in the pool

On my back

Motor boats on my tummy

Under and overs

hangin with Brett

Squashing/cuddling/smoothering/kissing my brother
Wow what a week. As you can see from my pics I have been busy in between all the rugby that Mummy insists on watching. I have started my swimming lessons and Im quickly turning into a swimming shark. I am much better now at floating on my back and swimming under the water. Today I had to find toys hiding on the bottom of the pool and I did it! Its so much fun that I dont want to get out of the pool. My teacher Lisa is a lot of fun and we play lots of games. I love going under the water now. I wonder what the rest of the week will bring.
I went to my first rugby game ever with Felix, Poppa and Mummy. It was very exciting. There was a lot of shouting (mainly Mummy and Poppa) and lots of singing and chanting. I went for Wales and lots of friendly people wanted to chat with me about my England rugby jersey.
We went to another city this weekend to watch all this rugby and I made a new friend called Annabel. She was a lot of fun and we got up to all sorts of mischief together.
I also went to a music class at the library and I had so much fun there,lots of singing and dancing, both which I enjoy and it made me less grumpy with Mummy!
Tomorrow we are off to see the Wonky Donkey.... Im not sure about this..maybe he will be scary with all those things wrong with him... Ill fill you in~