Hanging int he fan zone in Auckland

On the day of the England vs France game ( before the result!)

I love Tanya

In the Octagon, Dunedin

Trying a chocolate fish for the first time at the Cadburys Museum in Dunedin

With Daddy and Felix on the Otago Peninsula

Going on an 8 weheel drive to see the Seals. This was like a Roller coaster, I LOVED it!

I 'needed' a hot chocolate to warm myself up after our adventure to see the seals

My new friend

On Trishy's farm feeding my new friend Pugwash

Supporting Wales on the Wales vs Australia Semi Final day.

Hanging with Mummy on the farm

Investigating Mike's tractor

Mud? Im a city boy!

Helping Lachie do the gardens

Up to mischief together....plotting our next move

Chilling on our road trip

My new big friend Matt, he had so many boy toys for me to admire

Seeing the animals at Orana Park in Christchurch

Yumm Yumm Korean!

Another tractor ride, this time with Robert

Baa Baa Black Sheep... my first black sheep

Riding a bike that was 50 years old!

At Te Puna Quarry Park

My new lawn mower friend

Puff the magic dragon
I am off home today so when I get back to Copenhagen I will write and tell you all about my adventures. Our holiday in New Zealand is over which is very sad. I have done so much and I will miss Poppa and my new friends. I will miss the kiwi treats that I have been allowed to have too! I have a feeling I won't be getting as many treats when I get home...hmmm not sure about that one!