Off to Bournehavn for Fastelavn day. Mummy and Daddy couldnt convince me to go as Robin Hood, pirating is much more fun!

Winning Cat King!

A spot of drawing all by myself,hope you like the beard

A tiring weekend

So I have been on holiday with Mummy and Daddy this week. We have had a nice time though Felix was so sick so we didn't get out as much as we thought we would. The highlight for me was going to the Lego Exhibition, Lego World. Sooooo much Lego, as far as the eye could see. We just got to play all day. I couldn't believe my luck. We went with my friends Finn and Freda and they love Lego too. We got to ride lego cars, make lego, dress up as lego characters, play on playgrounds, drive lego trains. Wow, i did so much I was exhausted by the time we got home.
I hope you like my picture. I really love drawing and colouring in. This is one of my favourites this week of me as a bearded pirate.
It was Fastelavn today which is a celebration just before Lent, in Denmark. Something to do with banishing winter and hitting a barrel? Anyway there are two prizes you can win with this game and all over Denmark people are playing this, in the weekends and at school. The Cat Queen is the first person to make the sweeties fall out of the bottom and the Cat King is the person to hit the final piece of wood to the ground. Well I managed to win the Cat King. Mummy and Daddy didn't know whether to be proud of me or not! I also got to dress up as a pirate for school and we got to do it all over again. Very exciting and lots of naughty treats were given to us as well.