Yay my cousin Hal is here, let tuck into Mummy's soup
Where is Father Christmas now?
A spot of reading before bed?
Opening our Christmas Eve present together
As with traditional, 'Twas the night before Christmas...'
Father Christmas and his reindeer were very lucky
...and after a few uneasy moments of wondering whether I had been good enough.. he did come!!!
Love my crisps!
Christmas dinner!!
...it was apple juice Poppa, honest!
Off to Tivoli with Hal
Aunty Poppy was a bit scared, it was a little blowy!
This is us posing for the photo!
Reading to Coco
A spot of art at Louisiana Art Museum
Driving my own car
Tivoli fun
With my sis
Present time with Otto and Coco
Well I had a blast this holiday. I did get a cough that didnt want to go away but now it has so that is good. I REALLY enjoyed my trips to Tivoli, first with Hal and then with Otto and Coco. I am a rollercoaster junkie and love speed. The faster the better and I even went on some that Mummy was a bit worried about. Now the only thing holding me back is my height. We had so much fun this holiday playing with my cousins, going to museums, parks, forests, Tivoli. I didnt want it to end. Come back everyone please!!