Rudely awoken at lunchtime
Ive been on my best behaviour this week with Granny Moo visiting and wanting to make a good impression. But Mummy and Daddy needn't worry because this is a temporary glitch in my behaviour and I will be back to normal when she leaves. It means that I have only been crying when I am very, very hungry. Even so I don't think that they realise how important this is........sometimes they even laugh at me when I am wanting my food. So I am working on building myself up as much as possible in case there are any more of these food supply hiccups.
I thought that being a bit early, I should be a bit smaller than other babies. But when I appeared at a party being held in my honour (not sure what Kristy's birthday cake was for?), I found out that this is not true. In fact I was bigger than other babies my age and so that makes me the Daddy O' Baby of Seoul. 'Specially my thighs as I am now onto my second crease. As a matter of fact, I am aiming for the thigh crease world record that stands at an impressive five. I think that I can do it as I have time on my side.
Last night I took everybody out to a very smelly restaurant. They thought that I was asleep, but I was just really bored of their silliness, so I made sure that Mummy got home safely and earlier than the others. I am not sure what they were having but it didn't look too good to me and I think that they would each have had terrible wind. I can sympathise with them on that front.
Slightly nervous as it is Hallowe'en this week and I am sure that they will be planning some dreadful costume for me - stay posted!