Jasper's first stomach investigation complete with spotty bum!

Barny was worried that Jasper was becoming too 'Kiwi-fied' so thank you Miles and V for addressing this issue!

Jasper is concerned that his next feed will be late 20/10

aahh just loving life!

Bath Time
I hope you are enjoying the pics of me, it seems that mummy never puts down her camera though we are lucky to get one of mummy as well, she seems to be hiding a lot of the time...
I loved my trip to touch rugby though there was a lot of sweat and red faces, I didn't fancy a cuddle with anyone, even Daddy dripped on me, I don't think he noticed and I didn't want to hurt his feelings but he was a little pongee.
Did you know I was measured again this week and I'm no longer a pushover -4.2kg!
I'm beginning to get the gist of Mummy and Daddy and love clutching their necks and pulling on mummy's hair like reins, mummy doesn't seem to mind and sometimes I even take some of her hair with me for later..
Granny Moo is visiting this week. Ive been warned that it might be a little scary for me at first with lots of shrieking and kissing coming from this Granny Moo figure but I've been told I'll warm to it. I must admit it makes me a little nervous but Mummy has told me that she will be there and I mustn't stop any of my party tricks like 'everything projectile', that is a crowd favourite. Mummy has said that that is the reason why Granny Moo is coming, so she can experience all my tricks. I'll let you know how it all goes, over and out....
I miss my little boyfriend and he's growing up so fast. It's good to see you got out to touch, I'm sure you were fanging to get out there and rough some people up! Keep up the good work, Mummy and Daddy
You're a spunk Jasper (ask Mummy what that means!) - loving the money pose - so relaxed. Glad to see you finally managed to make it to touch, I was starting to think you were slacking a little and would find it hard to acclimatise if you didn't get out there soon - have fun, they'll have you on the field any day now I'm sure xxx Ange
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