Sunday, November 23, 2008

At my photo shoot

At my baby group, just hanging

Ready to catch the bus

Look how strong I am

Bedtime. I love my jammies

With my new passport

With my new friend Malcolm

Ready to catch the bus

Look how strong I am

Bedtime. I love my jammies

With my new passport

With my new friend Malcolm
The most exciting news came this week. I have a cousin! My new cousin is called Oliver and he was born where one half of me is from - New Zealand. I can't wait to meet him and teach him all I know about the world. To be honest there isn't much to know at the moment, all you need is Mummy - I think that is a Beatles song? I think you do need Daddy as well - sometimes Mummy can't handle my nappies and Daddy seems to be much braver.
Mummy lost my shoe this week. It fell off somewhere between home and our meeting with the shrieking women and when we got there we realised it was missing. Mummy wasn't surprised as she knows that I only like to wear one sock or shoe like Daddy. We couldn't find it anywhere but when Mummy went running yesterday she found it on the side of the road. Mummy was very happy but now I'll have to find another ingenuous way to get rid of one shoe...
It has been a very busy week all round. I went to my first play groups and hung out with many of my new friends. I think it is just an excuse for Mummy to drink tea and talk about spots and poo, and sleep and poo and feeding and poo. Anyway there was a lot of laughing going on and sometimes I felt a bit picked on.
I'm getting quite strong now and sometimes I really want to stand up on Mummy. I can stand straight and bounce on Mummy, all the while keeping my neck and head held strong. Everyone claps so I must be doing something right.
We are off to Shanghai this weekend, my first country! Mummy and Daddy are playing in a touch tournament so I have to go along for support. The team needs me and I must remember my chants that they taught me. I hope Mummy remembers that I need her more than the team and I also hope she doesn't forget to feed me. I will let you know xx
Monday, November 17, 2008
Leaves and Fans
This weekend was lots of fun for me.
I started with another of my 'al fresco' dining experiences, mummy is getting quite good at these now. But she kept running off to chase a ball around between my snacks. I got to meet some more of their friends too........though they didn't stay still enough for me to look at them properly.
Then I was taken off to a top-secret location for some modelling. I think that I may be gracing the cover of some magazine in the next few weeks. I say that because the camera really liked me and did not stop flashing for over an hour. Then I got to visit my friend Anne again, which I like as she keeps telling mummy (and whoever is in the room) that I have the best shaped head out of any baby she has ever seen.
That night I was expecting daddy to feed me again, but that never happened for some reason. I heard mummy say that this was something to do with him watching rugby earlier on. I don't really get this fascination with rugby yet.
Next day I did lots of walking with mummy in the autumn leaves. I think that they were pretty but I was stuck looking at mummy's chin. But that was fine as I have decided that Seoul is really cold and so I wanted to be near her as she is not. Hopefully it doesn't get much colder because I might not fit into my pram in some of those winter clothes I have seen in my cupboard.
I have started sleeping for longer at night but that's only to let them think that I might one day go through the night. In fact I think tonight could be the night to let them know that I still get hungry when it's dark outside. Actually I will start right now........
I started with another of my 'al fresco' dining experiences, mummy is getting quite good at these now. But she kept running off to chase a ball around between my snacks. I got to meet some more of their friends too........though they didn't stay still enough for me to look at them properly.
Then I was taken off to a top-secret location for some modelling. I think that I may be gracing the cover of some magazine in the next few weeks. I say that because the camera really liked me and did not stop flashing for over an hour. Then I got to visit my friend Anne again, which I like as she keeps telling mummy (and whoever is in the room) that I have the best shaped head out of any baby she has ever seen.
That night I was expecting daddy to feed me again, but that never happened for some reason. I heard mummy say that this was something to do with him watching rugby earlier on. I don't really get this fascination with rugby yet.
Next day I did lots of walking with mummy in the autumn leaves. I think that they were pretty but I was stuck looking at mummy's chin. But that was fine as I have decided that Seoul is really cold and so I wanted to be near her as she is not. Hopefully it doesn't get much colder because I might not fit into my pram in some of those winter clothes I have seen in my cupboard.
I have started sleeping for longer at night but that's only to let them think that I might one day go through the night. In fact I think tonight could be the night to let them know that I still get hungry when it's dark outside. Actually I will start right now........
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Im 2 months old today and I now have my own passport!
Off to the hospital, looking dapper!

Well off we went to the hospital for Jasper's immunisations today. It feels like ages since we have been there and everyone was delighted to see Jasper. The girls who work in the International clinic absolutely adore Jasper and the photo above is of the girl who was with us when Jasper was born and just dotes on him.
I had read an article on breastfeeding while your child is getting their injections so decided to try the theory out, considering how upset and seemingly in pain Jasper seemed last time. Breast milk apparently can work as a natural pain killer and they are more relaxed etc. Well it really seemed to work for Jasper. The first jab he didn't even flinch and the second jab he started to go red and look as though he would cry but I think he weighed up loosing this added bonus of an extra feed or crying, So yes you guessed it, crying just wasn't an option for Jasper when food is involved. I was very relieved as we had to really 'fight' the nurse and our pediatrician to be allowed to do it. It was definitely a case of having Barny there swaying them and they reluctantly agreed. I think they were very surprised at the little reaction from Jasper.
He is now at the 'more advanced' end of the weight scale,weighing in at 5.4kg and is now 56 cm. The pediatrician is very happy with him so that was great and we both agreed that I could start to cut out his middle of the night feed. Yes with my magic wand! We shall start that challenge this weekend...
Sunday, November 9, 2008
I became a New Zealand Citizen this week. I think Mummy and Daddy are very relieved that I now have a nationality. I wasn't too concerned though the thought did cross my mind that if the New Zealand or British governments don't want me I might have to become Korean. I may have some troubles at customs trying to explain that one....
I went to my first touch rugby tournament this weekend. Mummy and Daddy were both playing and I found lots of 'aunties and uncles' on the sidelines to keep me amused. I think Mummy and Daddy were very busy but I didn't mind as it was very snug in my new running stroller. At one stage a little boy got confused and drove into me on his push bike but I kept on sleeping, no need to make a fuss if you don't have to I say - there will be plenty of time for that later! Daddy got a bit injured and I was a bit worried but he is very tough though his nose did look a little wonky ( I didn't want to hurt his feelings so I didn't say anything).
I'm off to the hospital this week again. I have to have more little pricks into my arm. I will try to be brave for Mummy as she really cries hard. We also have to take Daddy this week so I hope he doesn't cry too much. Sometimes its a lot of effort to keep this family afloat I tell you.
I will write more this week. Mummy's coming and I don't want her to see me on the computer, she says it is bad for my eyes. See you later....
I went to my first touch rugby tournament this weekend. Mummy and Daddy were both playing and I found lots of 'aunties and uncles' on the sidelines to keep me amused. I think Mummy and Daddy were very busy but I didn't mind as it was very snug in my new running stroller. At one stage a little boy got confused and drove into me on his push bike but I kept on sleeping, no need to make a fuss if you don't have to I say - there will be plenty of time for that later! Daddy got a bit injured and I was a bit worried but he is very tough though his nose did look a little wonky ( I didn't want to hurt his feelings so I didn't say anything).
I'm off to the hospital this week again. I have to have more little pricks into my arm. I will try to be brave for Mummy as she really cries hard. We also have to take Daddy this week so I hope he doesn't cry too much. Sometimes its a lot of effort to keep this family afloat I tell you.
I will write more this week. Mummy's coming and I don't want her to see me on the computer, she says it is bad for my eyes. See you later....
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Melbourne Cup Lunch
The purpose of this posting is to inform you all of just one of the many forms of poo....
It came today in the yellow form. It came today very swiftly. It came today after snoozing. It came today after Mummy fed me in a cupboard type place in a noisy type place with lots of laughter and shouting and lots of horses running around a track type place... It came up and escaped my nappy, it came out of the nappy and out of my baby grow. It came out of my baby grow and into my lovely soft, cuddly overalls from Uncle D and Aunty Lotta. It escaped onto Mummy's hand and onto the change mat. All in all a successful end to a great sleep at the Melbourne Cup lunch, Im glad I waited until Mummy was in her high heels and silly hat.
The end.
It came today in the yellow form. It came today very swiftly. It came today after snoozing. It came today after Mummy fed me in a cupboard type place in a noisy type place with lots of laughter and shouting and lots of horses running around a track type place... It came up and escaped my nappy, it came out of the nappy and out of my baby grow. It came out of my baby grow and into my lovely soft, cuddly overalls from Uncle D and Aunty Lotta. It escaped onto Mummy's hand and onto the change mat. All in all a successful end to a great sleep at the Melbourne Cup lunch, Im glad I waited until Mummy was in her high heels and silly hat.
The end.
Dinner with the Frenchies

Here are some more pics of the weekend. I couldn't resist!
Jasper is becoming more delightful every day. He has started to smile? though we arent sure whether it is just wind..anyway its still lovely to see. He has definitely pumped on the weight, in preparation for hibernation we think. He is very adaptable so we have managed to go out to many social events/restaurants/lunches with him, which helps the sanity of course. All in all we are enjoying our new addition very much. Enjoy the pics and of course the chins....
Jasper is becoming more delightful every day. He has started to smile? though we arent sure whether it is just wind..anyway its still lovely to see. He has definitely pumped on the weight, in preparation for hibernation we think. He is very adaptable so we have managed to go out to many social events/restaurants/lunches with him, which helps the sanity of course. All in all we are enjoying our new addition very much. Enjoy the pics and of course the chins....
Sunday, November 2, 2008

Leaving day for Granny Moo
Watching the rugby together 1 1/2 kiwis

Exhibit A

Trick or treat

Watching the rugby together 1 1/2 kiwis

I just need to let you know that I have moved. Just in case you want to visit. When you get to the kitchen you turn right and then first right. Bedroom number 2. I was in Bedroom Numero Un0 but Mummy and Daddy moved me in the weekend. Ive been very grown up and haven't made a fuss. Just between you and I I think Mummy isn't coping, I think she misses my bed in her room, now she wonders what will she have to trip over in the depths of the early morning, and I think she will miss having the mosquito net to slip on. Secretly I love being in Bedroom number 2. Not so far for us to go to change my nappy ( do you know just how unpleasant it is to have to lie in wetness - ugh i just despise wet), not so far for bedtime stories or to get changed. I heard mummy telling daddy that she wants to invent shoulder pads on the outside?(go figure) of clothes that you can rip off every time they get covered in excess milk. I don't mind having soggy shoulders, it means I have some milk there for afters.....
Just as I guessed last week. I have been subjected to my first costume. I wasn't allowed to go trick or treating unless I changed into my 'little boy red' number. I look OK I guess, to be honest I'm getting so tall that I only just fitted into it, I think the hat was little over the top and unnecessary.
As you will see from Exhibit A I also had to don Godmummy Anna's pressie. Daddy had cleverly managed to get some rugby game on our computer so I sat with Mummy and watched our team win! I love my new All Black shoes and even though they were a little big we all decided that they were essential to show my support. Even though it was supposed to be quiet time Mummy let out some very loud noises and talked to the computer. Daddy mentioned that this was ' like father like daughter' whatever that means...
Granny Moo left this morning. She was a lot of fun and I will miss her silly songs especially one about a Chinaman. We did lots of dancing, cabaret stylie and we visited a place with loud canons and I had to hold Granny Moo's hands as she got a fright. She did kiss me a lot and sometimes she would get me unawares so I wasn't prepared. One must prepare for such onslaughts , especially as I also have mummy and daddy to deal with.
I have another busy week so I will fill you when I have a moment// Adios/....
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