Well off we went to the hospital for Jasper's immunisations today. It feels like ages since we have been there and everyone was delighted to see Jasper. The girls who work in the International clinic absolutely adore Jasper and the photo above is of the girl who was with us when Jasper was born and just dotes on him.
I had read an article on breastfeeding while your child is getting their injections so decided to try the theory out, considering how upset and seemingly in pain Jasper seemed last time. Breast milk apparently can work as a natural pain killer and they are more relaxed etc. Well it really seemed to work for Jasper. The first jab he didn't even flinch and the second jab he started to go red and look as though he would cry but I think he weighed up loosing this added bonus of an extra feed or crying, So yes you guessed it, crying just wasn't an option for Jasper when food is involved. I was very relieved as we had to really 'fight' the nurse and our pediatrician to be allowed to do it. It was definitely a case of having Barny there swaying them and they reluctantly agreed. I think they were very surprised at the little reaction from Jasper.
He is now at the 'more advanced' end of the weight scale,weighing in at 5.4kg and is now 56 cm. The pediatrician is very happy with him so that was great and we both agreed that I could start to cut out his middle of the night feed. Yes with my magic wand! We shall start that challenge this weekend...
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