Monday, July 27, 2009

Darrin, Lotta and Oliver's visit

Boys bathtime

In Sigulda at the ruins

Mummies and their boys!

Chewing the 'fat' with Uncle Darrin

Loving my buzzy bee. I like to hold the string above my head like I am a weightlifter. Never under estimate the weight of string!

Cousins in arms

In the bob sled. Mummy and Daddy went down but I was only allowed to watch!

AuntyLotta is so wise

I met this lovely lass by the swans. I tried to impress her but I was covered in sand!

Daddy chatting with Oliver

Teaching Uncle Darrin to read

It all got a bit too much for Oliver so he had a quick power snooze

At the Hagstroms on the island

' stop before you put your foot in it Oliver....'

Monday, July 20, 2009

'Walking' the swing bridge

I manoeuvered myself into this position on the plane.

'Hanging' at the park

With Great Aunt Jude at Kew Gardens

Eating by myself, yummy smoothie

Discussing houses and trees with Grandfather Nicholas

'so Oliver what do you think about it all.....?'

Just hanging

The only gap between the mattress and the end of the bed and I found it!

Oliver with my daddy

Just arrived on the island

This was before the 'incident!'

Hanging with Mummy

With Uncle Darrin and Aunty Lotta on the way to the island in Sweden

My new walker though I did enjoy the ride when I got tired

Relaxing on deck of the ferry to Sweden

In the ball pit on the ferry

On the ferry with Riga in the background

Today Mummy gave me my first 'possible salt' experience. You see Mummy was silly enough to give me the butter to hold while I was in the stroller at the supermarket. And I saw no reason why I shouldn't put it in my mouth. So I ate the corner of the block of butter and because Mummy cant read the label she is not sure whether it was salted butter!! Silly mummy and even though I did enjoy my mid morning snack I'm not sure it will be repeated.
Ive had another busy week. Last Friday we went off on a very big boat to see my cousin Oliver and his mummy and daddy. The boat was so big that we weren't allowed to get off it until the morning. Once we were allowed off we had ended up in Sweden! We saw Mummy's Swedish friend whom she had taught with in New Zealand and then we went off to a little island off the coast of Stockholm to spend time with Oliver. Oliver is lots of fun and our favourite game was tug of war which is where one of us had the toy and the other one has to have the same toy at the same time. We didn't moan though but there was a couple of times when the adults weren't looking and Oliver pushed me over a couple of times! I mean?????? I'm bigger and older!!!!Mummy found it funny hhhmmmph. I also decided that it was important that my first 'poo in the bath' experience must be had on the island. Daddy was very relieved that it was only me in the bath at the time, I'm not sure why??? The island was very nice and I especially enjoyed the fresh fish that Aunty Lotta and Uncle Darrin caught for us to eat for dinner.

Then Mummy and I went off to London to see Aunty Kylie and Otto. Otto is getting bigger though all he does is sleep, I'm STILL not sure what the fuss is about. I enjoyed the floor, crawling under tables and biting Mummy's big toe while she was eating her dinner. Great Aunty Jude and Great Uncle Steve were there as well and they were always trying to feed me icecream. I also had a quick cuddle with Grandfather Nicholas which was nice and we talked about houses and trees.
We went to the park this weekend and I went on a wobbly horse, a swing and the slide. Daddy even let me hang over the edge of a swing bridge. Now that Im moving Mummy and Daddy are trying to exhaust me but they havent succeeded yet.
Im off now for a wander, there are some pretty tasty candles by the front door that I am interested in. While mummy isnt looking I may try them again..... See you next week!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Standing with a little help from the couch

Mummy doesnt feed me enough!

Im starting to move!

Yesterday I tried to find Mummy in the kitchen. I am part snake, part iguana with my style. I also try to wear my tummy down at times.
Today I stayed standing, holding onto the couch all by myself.
Who knows what I will do tomorrow, stay tuned...

London Trip


  • Meeting my new cousin Otto, 4 days old! He wasnt much fun though and I didnt particularly like the way Mummy and Daddy fussed over him like he was something special. He didnt want to play or wake up even when I tried to poke him in the eye, in fact he didnt really want to do anything with me so I shall reserve judgement on how cool Otto actually is!

  • Going to Jake and Sarahs wedding in a real life castle! I was very well behaved and I even got my own place at the table.

  • Staying with Theo and Poppy in the country side. They were lots of fun. Mummy stood on a wasp and I tried to eat the grass.

  • Going to Brighton to visit William. He is very big now and he took me on a special trip to the beach. I was a little confused as the last few times I have been to the beach the ground was a lot softer. Maybe Brighton is suffering from the 'economic crisis' and they have to budget for real sand>???

Burying William

Theo and Poppy

Off for a crawl on the lovely grass

Making friends

With Mummy

With Daddy

Daddy with Otto

The mummies and the boys