Wednesday, July 8, 2009

London Trip


  • Meeting my new cousin Otto, 4 days old! He wasnt much fun though and I didnt particularly like the way Mummy and Daddy fussed over him like he was something special. He didnt want to play or wake up even when I tried to poke him in the eye, in fact he didnt really want to do anything with me so I shall reserve judgement on how cool Otto actually is!

  • Going to Jake and Sarahs wedding in a real life castle! I was very well behaved and I even got my own place at the table.

  • Staying with Theo and Poppy in the country side. They were lots of fun. Mummy stood on a wasp and I tried to eat the grass.

  • Going to Brighton to visit William. He is very big now and he took me on a special trip to the beach. I was a little confused as the last few times I have been to the beach the ground was a lot softer. Maybe Brighton is suffering from the 'economic crisis' and they have to budget for real sand>???

Burying William

Theo and Poppy

Off for a crawl on the lovely grass

Making friends

With Mummy

With Daddy

Daddy with Otto

The mummies and the boys

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