I'm feeling much better here, we took Pauline to Rundale Palace
.If you must know why Im wearing a Santa hat you had better ask Mummy and Daddy.

Sliding down the banister with Daddy
Chatting to Santa
Throwing a wee ......

I DONT want to wear Mummys hat

I am sick

Chatting to Santa

Throwing a wee ......

I DONT want to wear Mummys hat

I am sick
Well I don't really have much to report this week except to say I was very sick last week so Mummy didn't do anything exciting with me at all. All I was allowed to do was drink and sleep. Not much fun I say. Then Mummy's throat got sick with little bugs and now Daddy is sick. But I'm better now. I passed my doctors visit today and do you know what we found?........ TWO more teeth. Mummy didn't seem at all surprised. I felt a bit let down that she already thought she knew they were there. Do Mummys' think they know everything?
We have Mummys friend Pauline staying with us at the moment. She has come all the way from a made up country... well to me it sounds made up, its called Abooooo Dabeeee. I think it is actually an animal. We have lots of fun things planned this week. Thank goodness she came otherwise Mummy might make me stay in bed again.
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