Monday, March 22, 2010

So Mummy's friend Breigh took these pictures of Mia and I on Friday. Mummy and I were feeling a little sad because Daddy had just gone to China so we were lucky Breigh and Mia came to cheer us up. Mummy didnt realise we were going to be having pictures taken so I had my special 'vegemite' face on the WHOLE TIME!

Swimming is still going well. Im now jumping in and swimming under the water to Mummy. I like to come up spluttering. Mummy keeps reminding me to close my mouth but the water tastes nice!
As you can see by the pictures spring is coming and Mummy and I are going out a lot on Mummys new bike. I can see so much from up in my seat and we can talk all the time. I can even manage to eat my apple while we bike around... clever aren't I?

Saturday, March 20, 2010

That is Sweden in the background

In jaspers playroom/conservatory

yes our camera is still not working buy Mummy managed to retrieve these photos from last week. I hope we will have some new pictures soon.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

I just have to let you know that Mummy and Daddy cant put any new photos up for a while as we managed to damage our camera in the weekend and now it wont work. Fingers crossed we wont be missing in action for too long....

Monday, March 15, 2010

I reminded Mummy just the other day about my first insect catching experience while we were in New Zealand. Knowing already Mummy's love of all things bug-like I'm very surprised that she had forgotten to tell you all.. so here goes.
We were standing in this big kitchen when Mummy suddenly goes white then green then white again and starts shouting at Daddy to 'remove the cicada now!' Now I wasn't sure what a 'cicada' was but I spotted quite a big buzzing creature trying to get out of the window. So I picked it up and gave it to Daddy. Mummy nearly lost her eyes she was so surprised. Mummy said she was very proud of me but for what I'm not sure....I don't really know what the big deal was. It was easy and wasn't scary at all.

We had a very busy weekend as my friend Harry came to visit with his parents. We did so much that we hardly stopped moving. I took Harry swimming and I showed him how to jump off the coffee table onto our new blue squidgy bean bag. We read together, ate together and had snotty noses together. We even sang Happy Birthday to Granny Moo together though Harry showed of a little as he knew more of the words than me. I also took him to Hamlets Castle and showed him the best part of all.... the dungeon. I already miss him so I'm hoping that he will come back very soon.

Mummy has bought a new bike so we are going for a ride in it this afternoon. I'm a bit nervous as I hope Mummy doesn't forget that I'm behind her and goes off shopping without me or leaves me parked up with all the other bikes and dogs. I'll let you know.

Oh and I turned 1 and one half on Friday. Aren't I big?

Monday, March 8, 2010

No small slides for me anymore!

Back home....'spring' time in Denmark

oh I found Monty!!!

more holiday pics found

Just a short chat this week as I haven't got much to say. I have been getting used to being home again. It's all a bit strange and now I only have Mummy to entertain me. So just to make sure she isn't going to vanish like everyone else seems to have this week I have followed her everywhere she goes. I don't leave her for a second. If I did I'm concerned she could go away. Mummy is very pleased that I haven't left her for a second as it means she can't do anything BUT play with me. Lots of fun for both of us. Mummy and Daddy are proud of me as I have not let the 12 hour time difference to New Zealand affect my sleeping. We have all been sleeping very well and I think I'm just an expert at coping with this supposed 'jet lag' business.
I've been swimming lots this week. Daddy even 'bravely' took me by myself in the weekend. I love going under the water and pulling myself along the side of the pool. Its fun and we sing these funny Danish songs. Mummy pretends she knows the words but I can hear her humming not singing.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Look at the huge slide that i went down all by myself!

Marmite and toast face

And so I'm back! Back home apparently. To be honest I'm a little confused with where 'home' is supposed to be but Mummy says that I am lucky enough to have many homes. Anyway I'm back in the white place. I'm sure Mummy told me that I wouldn't have to be seeing all this white everywhere once we got back from New Zealand but she obviously doesn't know everything. It is still very white here and we went out this morning and I had to go behind my rain cover. I really don't like being behind the cover, nor do i like being back in my boy tights!
We had a very long time in the aeroplane though I was very good apparently. Mummy and Daddy kept saying to each other that it was a slow form of torture, what ever that means. I got to eat a lot and I especially enjoyed my marmite and toast that the lovely lady who organises everyone on the plane gave to me.
I hope you enjoy my pictures from the end of the holiday. They are mainly of our trip to Haihei with Anna and Malcolm the bucket man. I'm not sure what his fascination with buckets was but he wasn't far from a red bucket ever. I miss them both. Also there are some pictures from our tip to the petting farm. I got to hold a baby rabbit, i also learnt not to put your finger in a cockatoos cage, it BIT mE!! I also had lovely times with Alicia again and did a lot of sliding with her. I'm very good at sliding now.I can also climb up ladders all by myself though one time I fell from the top of the ladder and hung by one arm until I could see a safe place to drop which was into the paddling pool. It was fun though Mummy and Daddy said that I was a little monkey!
Well I am off to play. It's nice to have all my toys again, they have missed me very much.