Marmite and toast face

And so I'm back! Back home apparently. To be honest I'm a little confused with where 'home' is supposed to be but Mummy says that I am lucky enough to have many homes. Anyway I'm back in the white place. I'm sure Mummy told me that I wouldn't have to be seeing all this white everywhere once we got back from New Zealand but she obviously doesn't know everything. It is still very white here and we went out this morning and I had to go behind my rain cover. I really don't like being behind the cover, nor do i like being back in my boy tights!
We had a very long time in the aeroplane though I was very good apparently. Mummy and Daddy kept saying to each other that it was a slow form of torture, what ever that means. I got to eat a lot and I especially enjoyed my marmite and toast that the lovely lady who organises everyone on the plane gave to me.
I hope you enjoy my pictures from the end of the holiday. They are mainly of our trip to Haihei with Anna and Malcolm the bucket man. I'm not sure what his fascination with buckets was but he wasn't far from a red bucket ever. I miss them both. Also there are some pictures from our tip to the petting farm. I got to hold a baby rabbit, i also learnt not to put your finger in a cockatoos cage, it BIT mE!! I also had lovely times with Alicia again and did a lot of sliding with her. I'm very good at sliding now.I can also climb up ladders all by myself though one time I fell from the top of the ladder and hung by one arm until I could see a safe place to drop which was into the paddling pool. It was fun though Mummy and Daddy said that I was a little monkey!
Well I am off to play. It's nice to have all my toys again, they have missed me very much.
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