Phew what a week. This week I've had Otto to play with as well as learning to go to 'big boy' nursery by myself. It has been very exhausting especially for Mummy! I also learnt that glass is probably not to be eaten and makes Mummy and Daddy move very quickly! I took Otto to play at my soft play centre and showed him how to go down the big slides, we went swimming and we went to the Experimentarium together where we got up to all kinds of mischief. Aunty Kylie bought me a book about Mummies with big tummies but I already know all about it. I like to peer inside Mummy's belly button to see my new brother or sister. Did you know that Aunty Kylie also has a big tummy. Otto and I are very lucky. Our daddies think we are going to get new brothers. Ive enclosed a sneaky peak at Mummy's big tummy, I think if she eats any more chocolate she may burst!
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