Early morning showers are fun

Duck feeding commencing

The cake is the best thing about birthdays in my eyes!

Saturday morning stories, tea and cuddles

ahemmm Mummy and Daddy are so embarassing!

My farewell party with my class

I went to my friend Lucas's 3rd birthday. It was fun to play with the bubbles, the trains and this funny game where I had to hit a tennis ball that was tied to a stick, sometimes I got all tied up myself in the rope! Once again though I think the highlight for me was the cake.. I love birthday cake!
Hampson family had quite an active weekend. We went for our first family swim all together, with Felix as well. I love the water and even 'braved' the colder water. Mummy says I really need to get used to swimming in colder water... I'm not too sure as I'm still traumatised from swimming in Granny Moo's pool but I tried to be really brave and jumped in from quite a high ledge. We also went on a family bike ride around the lake, sometimes I was on mummy's bike, or in the swing low bike (as I call it) and sometimes I even biked myself.
Today was the first day of the holiday with Mummy. I started the day really early as I was so excited (6am!!!!) and then I really wanted to have a shower with Mummy so I did. Holiday showers are fun and I got to play with my truck in the bath for ages. Mummy said 'what ever keeps me amused and busy is ok with her!' However Mummy did say she is worried that we did too much today as she might burn out ( whatever that means) anyway we went to two parks and I got a big bump on my cheek where I collided with another boy and I played in the sand and mud with my friend Oliver. We also fed the ducks but I'm not sure they were too hungry today. When we came home Mummy and I started making my pirate ship, its looking great though we need a pirate flag.... I wonder if I could use Mummy and Daddy's pillowcase?
There is one funny photo of me and this was on the way home from family swim when I really needed the toilet so Mummy and Daddy made me sit on the travel potty in the boot of the car!!!
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