Enjoying my World Cup Rugby Jigsaw. Who said going to the World Cup wasn't a 'learning experience?'I now know quite a few flags!
Dressing up as a knight at the main library. Our Friday trip.

Making sure Jeremiah bear was dressed for the cold. He came to kindergarten in the bike with me!

I took this picture of Mummy!

Painting on my birthday present which I only just got as its been looking after the house while we were away. I love standing up to paint.
So I am very sorry for the absence of my blog. Mummy and Daddy made such a mess with all our bags and things when we got back from New Zealand that they couldn't find the camera cord for me. So I couldn't put up any of the pictures. But here we are.....
We have been busy since getting home, learning how to be Danish again. In fact I have learnt so many English words that I am teaching all my friends at kindergarten and Im making them speak to me in English. Mummy and Daddy think I may have forgotten some of my Danish but I like to trick everyone. I found it a bit hard in the first week to be back as I missed being with Mummy but I think I am back into the swing of things now.
We have been very busy with the leaves and I like to help Mummy and Daddy sweep up all leaves with my rake. There are a lot and I'm not sure where they come from because the next day they are all back again. Maybe they jump out of the bag just to confuse us????
Mummy and Daddy have been busy finding someone else to live with us. Im not really sure on the details and why we need someone else living in our house but she seems nice enough. She is from a country that wasn't in the Rugby World Cup but Daddy assures me that this is ok and that the country is still lots of fun. She is from Brazil and I think she is going to teach me some different words to confuse Mummy with. I hope she likes rugby or at least football so that we can run around together.
I'm sick today.. I have a frog living in my throat so I didn't want the frog to get sick so I stayed home with Mummy today. I like being sick as I get to drink some juice and watch Bob the Builder. I think I'm in a 'win win' situation there!
I'm off to bed now. My frog needs a rest.
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