Monday, May 7, 2012

As you can see from my pictures, I had a lot of fun this weekend. We had an extra weekend day this weekend so we all went camping with Mummys school friends. All the mummies, daddies and children went away to the top of the island and we had so much fun. The highlight for me was the marshmellows, playing in the forest park and running around with my new friends.
It was also Daddy's birthday and we spoilt him. I gave him the cup I had made.. in fact I must remember to take a picture of it as its pretty cool. Daddy has already taken it to work and had two coffees in it! We did a lot of eating this weekend so I think I might have to take a break from all this cake eating.
I hope you like the picture of Mummy and I zonked out after our camping trip!
Oh and the picture of Felix and I is of us investigating a centipede, like from James and the Giant Peach. We are listening to that story a lot in the car and on Sunday mornings. I wondered if it was the same one and I was trying to count its shoes!

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