My last day at Bornehavn with my friend Louis
Bye bye little brother. You are on your own now
Outside my classroom. Here is a letter telling everyone Im going. Of course you cant read it because its in Danish silly!
See how tiny I looked when I started in Bornehavn
Nataliia leaving us, boo hoo

My beach art
My first day at big school! August 13th 2013
Ice creams with Moa and Felix, though we did get into trouble for eating too many without the grown ups knowing!
The motion swing at the Experimentarium
Zoo ice creams with Poppa and Milke. Was this big enough for you Poppa?
Beach time fun though it was a little too chilly to swim!
This was the same day and the rain also decided to come, its only August!!!
Stories with Poppa
Oh no farewells on the front step
getting up to no good with Felix oops
Having a playdate with Louis
Need I say anything more?
Biking time
And more goodbyes, this time to Nataliia. I miss her.
And here I am , off to school for the first time! Rygaards International School here I come
My new school bag, lunchbox and drink bottle. Im very prepared
Here goes!
So August was a month of change for me because:
I left Bornehavn.
I said hello and goodbye to Poppa and Milke
I said goodbye to Nataliia
Now Im just waiting to turn 5 and I will really be a big boy then.
I was very brave when I started school. I had already been to visit so I knew where I was going and I had met my teachers before. They are called Ms Bennett and Mrs Sherman and I like them a lot. We dont get to run around outside whenever we feel like it but its ok. I get to do lots of art and drawing and listening to fun stories. I have made some friends already but the strangest thing for me is that now I am speaking English all day and not Danish. Mummy also makes me wear my smarter clothes so my pirate teeshirts have to wait for after school. I also get to travel to school many different ways. Sometimes its in the car, sometimes its on the bike, sometimes the bus or the train so I never get bored. I can also take my scooter and my bike with me and I am getting so good at riding my bike.
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