Showering in Hong Kong

Travelling is very tiring but as long as I have Mr Kew I'm AOK!

Why did the airport lend us a pink stroller...I'm a boy!

My new best friend Monty

So there I was minding my own business when this girl came and took over... what's with that? Mummy says I just have to get used to it!

Doodoo and I forever

Waiting for our flight to Tauranga

I love bedtime stories

Snack time at the library with Grandma


Ready to go running with Mummy

Waking Poppa up with Monty

My first strawberry

Rocking on the horse that Mummy used to rock on

Eating corn on the cob
What a busy week I've had.
Mummy and I left Copenhagen on Tuesday and we travelled for about a year (or so it felt for Mummy!) to England to see Granny Moo, then onto Hong Kong to have a shower and then to Auckland to see the big hot rain drops and then finally onto a tiny little plane to get bumped up and down to land at Grandmas and Poppas. What an adventure it was. Mummy said that I was very good but I don't know what the fuss was about. I love flying. I have so many people to entertain and play with. I like the pretty air hostesses too. My favourite one called Miki even blew up a balloon for me to play with while everyone else in the whole plane slept. I don't know why they were sleeping, it wasn't night time in my body....very strange indeed. I didn't sleep the whole way from Hong Kong so when I got to Grandma and Poppas I was very confused and VERY tired. I have not had any jet lag though as I have been sleeping normally so Mummy is VERY happy with me.
I am loving being in New Zealand; not having to have so many clothes on is the best thing. Sometimes Mummy lets me run around with just my nappy on... bliss! I have so many new places to explore. I am running everywhere, chasing Monty, walking around the Mount, eating SO much of Grandmas food and her home made ice blocks, eating corn on the cob (what a great game that is!) swimming with Grandma at the gym and swimming outside in the big cold pool. I'm very brave! Grandma and Poppa borrowed me a little car and I love honking the horn all the way to the beach, just to let everyone know I'm coming. Ive been down slides and climbed a lot of different things. Life is very good at the moment. I have a new best friend though. Monty is great. He lets me pull his tail, poke him in the eye and pat him VERY firmly. All I have to do in return is slip him some of my food every meal, it's that easy though sometimes Mummy catches me and I have to pretend as though it's Monty's fault! This holiday has been my first experience of grass. So far I'm not that fussed. It can be wet and that is simply unpleasant. Even when its dry it feels funny on my feet. No one gives me any sympathy and just laughs and tries to make me run on it!
Tomorrow we are off to see my Godmummies Penny and Anna and to meet little Heidi. I have to be on my best behaviour, girls are a little more sensitive apparently. Maybe I can show her all my tricks!
But the main reason why I'm writing today is that I can't seem to find Daddy. Mummy says he is hiding and as much as I call out for him and look for him he is still missing. Anyway I will keep looking for him but I miss him a lot and love him even more. So if you see my Daddy can you tell him that. Otherwise I shall just keep looking. Mummy says I will find him soon.
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