Hi, I'm back. I know it has been over a week but we are finally back in Tauranga and back to the computer. Mummy is preparing my favourite meal of the holiday (corn on the cob!) so I have snuck in to tell you what I have been up to. Its been very busy! I have decided that we don't really have time to sleep as Mummy is so busy 'showing me off' to everyone. To be honest I'm happiest when I'm digging a hole at the beach or on a slide or swing.
So we left Grandma and Poppa at the airport and Mummy and I bravely took to the sky again to go all the way to Wellington to see Godmummy Penny and Godmummy Anna. Wellington was very sunny and Mummy and I got to go to the park and the beach many times. Mummy keeps telling me that I'm only 16 months not 3 or 4 because I keep frightening her by sneaking up the big slides and swings for the big kids. But really I'm quite big and Ive got so good at climbing Mummy can almost put her feet up!
I had a very nice time ( I think that is what Mummy told me to say) in Wellington. I met a very nice man called Malcolm. I couldn't really work out where he fitted in but he was very good at helping me when I was looking for Daddy and when I couldn't find Daddy he would pick me up and be very nice to me. I think he was Godmummy Anna's friend. I also got to meet Godmummy Penny's little girl called Heidi. She is three months. Everyone was 'cooing and arrhing' about her but to be honest she didn't do much and she certainly wasn't interested in playing boats in Anna's recycling box! She does have a very pretty smile and face and so, just to keep in everyones good books, I smiled at her too. Maybe like Mummy says about wine, she will just get better with age! Oooh I nearly forgot..one of my favourite things to do in Wellington was to wear Anna's shoes. She has lovely shoes and my feet just seem to glide into them. I was very happy when she let me wear them around the house.
I enjoyed many of Wellingtons parks and I also went on a special ride up inside a big car that got a bit lost and didn't follow the road but went up a steep hill. It was all very confusing but we went very high till we got to the top.
Then Mummy and I found another plane and we went to a place called Wanganui to see Mummy's Mummy's family. I was confused again but at the end of the day I had a lot of fun regardless of whoever was there. There were so many new people to meet that I couldn't keep track of it all but EVERYONE was very nice to me. One big tall man called Chris said it was very important that him and I went and saw all of the 'boy toys' so Mummy wasn't allowed to come. It was a lot of fun, more fun than shopping with Mummy! Chris let me sit on his motorbike, stand on his 'ute' and sit and drive his car. The horn was extra loud! I also drove the tractor.....well I kind of did.... well we didn't go too far as I don't have a license yet but I DID sit on the seat which is just the same as driving it! We stayed on a farm and I got to go and see the chickens every day. Sometimes I really just wanted to join in their food but Mummy was so quick to scoop me up and away. She really does spoil my fun sometimes! I also discovered that grass is not so bad, even when it is long and wet, when I have to go through it to get to the cows. I was very brave!
Today we drove all day to get home. It wasnt much fun but I did get to chase the ducks and swans at Lake Taupo. I wanted to stay there all day, they were very friendly and it was nicer than being in the car. I was so excited to get 'home' that I rushed to get in the pool. Im getting much braver with the cold water. I also got to chase Monty again and I dunked my skittles in the toilet. So much to do before I had to go to bed! Oh and I can now climb the outside chairs ( high with material slats!) and give Grandma and Mummy heart attacks when they look out of the window!
1 comment:
Good Friday morning you little scamp and scampette.
I have been hiding away in a very elaborate version of hide and seek. But now I am coming to get you!! - in fact I will be surprising you at about 4 at the airshow.
Watch-out daddy's on the prowl.
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