Going exploring in Grandma and Poppas garden...oops

......are you there? I have to be quiet. I have just been put to bed late and I have to pretend that I am asleep otherwise Mummy and Daddy will come and check on me. They have been a little over protective this week as I have had my first tummy bug. We are not sure what it was but because I like sharing I let Grandma, Poppa and Daddy share the bug with me. They should never say that I don't give them anything!
I am not surprised. I have had a very busy week. Last weekend I had a sleepover with Grandma and Poppa while Mummy put her feet up with her friends. I think that was what she was doing.... I hope she didn't put her feet up too high as she might not have been able to get them back down. After the sleep over we all went to see lots of planes. I have decided just this holiday that I love planes. Nobody is very surprised when I point out every plane in the sky as apparently I have been on a few. I don't quite understand what they mean. How is it possible to get up in the sky to get into the plane. I think they are a little confused. Anyway I saw lots of planes, some were very loud, some were racing cars? some were going upside down. I think that was a lot of fun. I even got to go inside a plane of my own. Then the biggest surprise for me was that Daddy finally stopped hiding. I think he had been hiding in one of the big planes but there he was so now I am very happy again.
Also out of hiding came my cousin Oliver. So we have been playing a lot with Grandma and Poppa. We are into the same things like climbing, swimming, playing with Monty, getting a little car sick, eating a lot of food so we have had a lot of fun. We both took all of the parents down to Napier to play with Sophie and Leighton and all their fun toys. They had little cars for us to drive. Oliver was the best driver though as he could drive with one arm out of the car and one on the steering wheel. I really really really really liked Leighton. He is big and very cool. We kissed a lot and Leighton came and watched me bath. I hope I get to see him again sometime soon. Sophie was ok but she is just a girl. Just between you and me she was a very pretty girl and I really wanted to kiss her but she was a little hesitant. Maybe she didn't want one of my 'snotty, mixed with dirt from playing, fruit stain kisses?'
So now we are off to the Coromandel where apparently Granny Moo and Grandfather Nicholas have already been. I hope its fun. We are off to see Godmummy Anna and Malcolm her friend. I hope he is still fun. It will be a bit of a sad day though as it's my last swimming lesson with Grandma in the big pool. I have been going every morning to the big pool to swim and smile at all the nice ladies who only walk up and down the pool. At least I am swimming! I will also miss Monty. I really hope that if I am extra good Mummy and Daddy might take Monty back with us to Copenhagen... we sure are good friends and he needs me to supplement his dinners with my extra tibits!
Oops I can hear Mummy coming...gotta go.... oh and I wont be able to let you know what I have been up to over the next two weeks until Im home as we dont have a computer now so until then.......Ka Kite
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