Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Changing my little brother.

Tickle tickle

Easter Sunday rambling

Helping Mummy bake! We should have watched the time!


My Easter Egg Hunt day

In the fort


Giving Felix his new 'doo doo'

Present time for Felix!

Moa and I

It has been Easter holidays this week so I have been home with Mummy and Daddy having lots of fun. I have seen lots of my friends and created 'havoc'( Mummy's word though Im not sure what it really means) in the garden. I am loving being outside and really really dislike coming in at the end of the day. I have to have a really big bath each day because I am so dirty from all my playing. My favourite playing at the moment is playing football, playing rugby and running around with a bucket on my head. Im getting pretty good at kicking the ball from my hands as well.

On Saturday lots of my friends came from nursery and we ran around looking for chocolate eggs in the garden. I had never done this before but it didnt take me long to catch on and when everyone stopped looking I kept looking for a good hour after everyone else. I was rewarded too with finding lots more chocolates. Mummy said that Ive never had this much chocolate in my life.... I wonder why i haven't had it before????

I am being very helpful at the moment. I helped Mummy make hot cross buns and I changed Felix the other day when Mummy and Daddy were chatting. They were very surprised to see me happily helping my brother. He was better for me than he is for Mummy and Daddy and didn't squirm all over the place.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Im a BIG brother!

Morning cuddles

Practising my rugby scrum, Felix was quite good at off-loading

Sharing my new brother with Daniel

Potty time with Moa, we had lots to discuss

Meeting Felix for the first time

Im sorry that I have been missing but it has been for a very good reason. I am finally a BIG brother. Mummy has finally stopped talking about having a baby and gave me what I have been waiting for. Even though I thought that Mummy was having a girl she didn't...... she gave me a little brother.....

His name is Felix and he has a long name like me... Felix Samuel Wilfred Hampson. I like his name and Mummy says I sound very cute when I talk about him. I like to hug him and I especially like it when he tickles my chin, which is what he does when he looks up at me. He already likes it when I sing 'Swing Low' to him. I can't wait for you to meet him. He is going to be writing his own blog though so you have to watch this space to see where to go. Felix and I can write our blogs together when Mummy has her feet up having a cup of tea.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Bob the Builder

the light streaming into what will be Mummy and Daddy's 'new room'

Tools and more tools for me to get my hands on!

Legs 11

The most exciting thing ever has happened this week......... Bob the Builder is in our house. I know you might find it hard to believe but he is the real Bob the Builder and he has lots of tools and he does lots of banging. Every morning when I wake up he is above me in the attic banging and being Bob the Builder. He is used to seeing Mummy, Daddy and me in our pyjamas as he starts work before we are even out of bed! Daddy took me up into the attic yesterday to show me what Bob is doing which was very exciting. WE now have blue plastic stairs which I am dying to slide down but I have promised Mummy that I will be very careful as I could hurt myself. (Maybe I will wait until she is not looking and slide down with Daddy and Mr Kew!)

Mummy is still growing the baby but she needs to get it out because she is eating all the food and taking up all the room on the couch. My friend Selma's Mor had her baby last week and Selma told me that it's not as exciting as the adults make out. I will have to reserve judgement on that one.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Daniel giving me a hand at the circus

AT the circus with Mummy

Enjoying playing with Mummy's swimming goggles.

Watching a brass band play, for red nose day

Enjoying my ice cream with Freda

At the park with Mummy

Helping Daddy look for the book that fell down the gap, I was very helpful.

A busy wee time at the moment especially waiting for the baby to arrive.

We have had lots of friends over to play with and I really enjoyed having Dyan and Isabelle, Freda and Finn over to make lots of noise and mess with. I especially enjoyed it when the boys made me be a monster and made me run around with a bucket on my head!

I also went to the circus with Daniel and saw my friend Olly who came to visit all the way from Scotland.

Mummy's friend Pauline came to visit from a funny sounding place called Abu Dhabi. We had lots of fun together...she is very good at drawing cricket matches.

Im really enjoying drawing by myself at the moment and I take myself off after nursery to have some time on my own to draw or play with my lego. I can even draw in between the wickets all by myself.

Finally my piano arrived all the way from England. Its very lovely and Im learning to play it very gently, no banging allowed. Ive learnt that its not nice to get your fingers caught in the lid so hopefully my brain will remember this and I wont catch my fingers again!

Mummy is still growing the baby. I think it is getting really big now, sometimes I think Mummy might pop, especially if she keeps eating all those pastries! Ill let you know when I become a big brother. Yesterday I went and chose a 'doo doo' for the baby, it was a very important job to do as I love my doo doo so much I didn't want the baby to be sad if they didnt have one.