Tickle tickle

Easter Sunday rambling

Helping Mummy bake! We should have watched the time!


My Easter Egg Hunt day

In the fort


Giving Felix his new 'doo doo'

Present time for Felix!

Moa and I

It has been Easter holidays this week so I have been home with Mummy and Daddy having lots of fun. I have seen lots of my friends and created 'havoc'( Mummy's word though Im not sure what it really means) in the garden. I am loving being outside and really really dislike coming in at the end of the day. I have to have a really big bath each day because I am so dirty from all my playing. My favourite playing at the moment is playing football, playing rugby and running around with a bucket on my head. Im getting pretty good at kicking the ball from my hands as well.
On Saturday lots of my friends came from nursery and we ran around looking for chocolate eggs in the garden. I had never done this before but it didnt take me long to catch on and when everyone stopped looking I kept looking for a good hour after everyone else. I was rewarded too with finding lots more chocolates. Mummy said that Ive never had this much chocolate in my life.... I wonder why i haven't had it before????
On Saturday lots of my friends came from nursery and we ran around looking for chocolate eggs in the garden. I had never done this before but it didnt take me long to catch on and when everyone stopped looking I kept looking for a good hour after everyone else. I was rewarded too with finding lots more chocolates. Mummy said that Ive never had this much chocolate in my life.... I wonder why i haven't had it before????
I am being very helpful at the moment. I helped Mummy make hot cross buns and I changed Felix the other day when Mummy and Daddy were chatting. They were very surprised to see me happily helping my brother. He was better for me than he is for Mummy and Daddy and didn't squirm all over the place.
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