Daniel giving me a hand at the circus

Enjoying my ice cream with Freda
Helping Daddy look for the book that fell down the gap, I was very helpful.
A busy wee time at the moment especially waiting for the baby to arrive.
We have had lots of friends over to play with and I really enjoyed having Dyan and Isabelle, Freda and Finn over to make lots of noise and mess with. I especially enjoyed it when the boys made me be a monster and made me run around with a bucket on my head!
I also went to the circus with Daniel and saw my friend Olly who came to visit all the way from Scotland.
Mummy's friend Pauline came to visit from a funny sounding place called Abu Dhabi. We had lots of fun together...she is very good at drawing cricket matches.
Im really enjoying drawing by myself at the moment and I take myself off after nursery to have some time on my own to draw or play with my lego. I can even draw in between the wickets all by myself.
Finally my piano arrived all the way from England. Its very lovely and Im learning to play it very gently, no banging allowed. Ive learnt that its not nice to get your fingers caught in the lid so hopefully my brain will remember this and I wont catch my fingers again!
Mummy is still growing the baby. I think it is getting really big now, sometimes I think Mummy might pop, especially if she keeps eating all those pastries! Ill let you know when I become a big brother. Yesterday I went and chose a 'doo doo' for the baby, it was a very important job to do as I love my doo doo so much I didn't want the baby to be sad if they didnt have one.
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