In the box, watching FC Copenhagen vs Aarhus, nice and cosy, too cold to be outside!

It got a bit boring in bits so Daniel and I entertained ourselves

Propping up our tree

We really have been living in Denmark too longn when we go off on our bike to get our tree!

I did bike the first leg

Making gingerbread men with Moa and Mummy. I think we ate more of the mixture than we baked

Starting our advent calenders from Granny Moo. I get to open Felix's this year!

Mail from Granny Moo over breakfast, how exciting

Christmas festivities at nursery. I made my Christmas candle with Mummy

Biking to nursery in the morning...'sigh' Im still not big enough to bike in the bike lane though....
So we are now into the Christmas season properly. We have decided that every day leading up to Christmas we are going to go something Christmassy. I wonder if Mummy and Daddy can really keep this up?
December 1st Moa came over to play and we made Christmas Gingerbread together. I think we ate too much as I felt a bit sick. I love the mixture more I think. I made some very good angels and stars.
December 2nd I went over to Moas house and we made Christmas candles with S Lucia and clay. Moa's daddy is very creative.
December 3rd Mummy, Daddy, Felix and I went off to see a Christmas concert, with lots of candles, singing and trumpets and trombones. It was fun for a while but then I got a bit bored I think. It was all a bit loud for me.
December 4th We went out and chose our family Christmas tree. I wanted to play in the park beside but I was made to 'enjoy' this crucial family moment. We did choose a good one though. Then once we got it home we got to throw lots of balls onto it and go 'wow' at all the lights in our house.
December 5th Happy birthday Godmummy Anna! And we went to our row of houses, Christmas party. Wow, it was so late for me and I got sweeties. What a treat!
I wonder what the rest of the week will have in store for me. I hope Mummy isnt losing steam already!
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