Christmas wrapping fight with Mummy, who needs piillows!
I won!
Walking off the Christmas meals

Building my castle with daddy on Boxing Day
Pressies everywhere!

'Helping' Felix open his pressies

My new Bike, thanks Poppa and Mummy and Daddy!

Juleman ( Father Chirstmas !) came, whippeee

Pulling my first cracker

Family run before the fun can start on Christmas Day!

What we left for Juleman, and his reindeer

New jumpers for everyone

Chilling with Mummy, tired boys

ice cream time

Practising our moves

This Is Nisse Frederick, I got to bring him home with me for one night from my kindergarten
Well we made it to Christmas! Phew, what a battle and I think I came out the winner. What fun I have had this last week and now I cant wait for next Chrismas already!

Pressies everywhere!

'Helping' Felix open his pressies

My new Bike, thanks Poppa and Mummy and Daddy!

Juleman ( Father Chirstmas !) came, whippeee

Pulling my first cracker

Family run before the fun can start on Christmas Day!

What we left for Juleman, and his reindeer

New jumpers for everyone

Chilling with Mummy, tired boys

ice cream time

Practising our moves

This Is Nisse Frederick, I got to bring him home with me for one night from my kindergarten
Well we made it to Christmas! Phew, what a battle and I think I came out the winner. What fun I have had this last week and now I cant wait for next Chrismas already!
In the last week we had lots of fun getting ready for Christmas. We had to entertain Nisse ( like a christmas elf) from Bornehavn and have adventures. I had to go to a very very smelly cheese shop to get Daddy his Christmas pressie from me.I really wasnt so sure about this but Daddy was delighted that I had got the smellest cheese in the whole shop! We also went to get our Christmas turkey all together and that was lots of fun.
Christmas was so exciting because do you know who came to visit????? Juleman!!!!!!!!! It was like magic.All I had to do was leave a Christmas beer out for him and some carrots and apples for Rudolph and would you believe it...he left me pressies in my pillowcase at the end of my bed! I was so lucky. I even got pressies from under the tree.
Thank you to everyone who gave me such wonderful presents. Mummy says that Igot very sxpoilt! I have been enjoying my new bike and am already racing up and down in the bike lanes, giving Mummy heart palpitations!
I hope you all had a lovely Christmas and I really hope you can all come to visit me this coming year in Copenhagen, we have room, come and stay. Mummy and Daddy wont mind!
1 comment:
Dear Jasper,
I am sure that you don't know me but I was a student in your mums class.My name is Neha.I just wanted you to know that in my class we just did a little project on castles it was part of Social Studies.I am sure that if you made a castle like that and if you were the same age as us and were in the y7 you would have gotten a A+.The castle was brilliant.
Take Care.
Neha your mums student
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