Playing pirates with Sophie and Caroline

Fireworks time, mummy don't look!

Library fun with Felix

Returning after a very successful day at Tivoli

Aarh Tivoli's lights, we love you

Mummy and I on the pirate ride,wheeee

Riding the giraffe with Dadd

Aunty Bex, this was the children's version, Im getting practise in so I can go on the big one with you!

Here are a few snaps from my weeks holiday with Mummy, Daddy and Felix between Christmas and New Year.
We had lots of fun just hanging out at home and we also made it to Tivoli with Moa. I had so much fun, I even got to go on a real roller coaster and it was so fast Mummy thought I might disappear under the bar! I really love the fast rides and enjoy screaming with Moa!
We went to a party to see the end of the year and I stayed up the latest I have EVER EVER stayed up in my life. Up until midnight because I was having so much fun. I was so good that I think Mummy and Daddy may have forgotten about me a little.
My new years resolutions this year are to:
Work on my attack and defence strategies with my knights
Ride my bike without my training wheels
Teach Felix to say Mama, Dada and Jasper.
Swim to the bottom of the pool to get my new seals that Juleman gave me.
Fit in as many treats as I can!
Happy New Year everybody!
Ps we are still waiting for my new cousin. We hope he or she decides to come soon. I had better go and find Mummy so we can do our' get your baby out Aunty Poppy' dance!
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