Look who is pushing me to the Teddy Bears picnic. Where is Mummy? I mean she shouldn't just let anyone take me to picnics even if they are soft and cuddly!

Climbing the stairs at the palace
Mummy has told me many times this week that I'm just a 'cheeky monkey.' I'm not sure what she means. She always seems to say it after I have just started my exploring. Like looking in lots of drawers, and then today after I managed to catapult my lunch onto the wall. I was only practising eating by myself but mummy seemed to find it very funny.
I am getting very fast at crawling now and really like it when Mummy and Daddy chase me. It makes me laugh a lot and sometimes I have to stop to catch my breath. We went to a palace yesterday. It was really pretty and we had to wear these funny shoes over our normal shoes. I spent most of the day trying to get them off!
Mummy and I finally passed one of our doctors visits with Doctor 'scary.' She was very happy with me as I'm now up to 8.4kg and 74cm. And I only weeeeed on her once! She should thank her lucky stars I say....