Any similarities?

Loving the trampolines with Mummy

Trying to escape my playpen

Loving the trampolines with Mummy

Trying to escape my playpen

On the move at the park
Back where I belong

Back where I belong
The highlights of my week have been:
- Finding the potatoes and taking a big bite out of a very dirty one. I don't know why mummy laughed so much, I found it quite tasty.
- Eating my bubble bath, I don't know where it does when I put it to my mouth but it tickles a lot.
- Jumping on the trampolines with Mummy, I was laughing so much I nearly forgot to take a breath.
- Being back in the sand where I belong.
- Being back with my Riga friends though some of them are leaving so today I have to play extra hard with Charlotta and Lucas because I will miss them a lot.
- Discovering my love of pots and spatulas to make a lot of music.
- Pulling the books off the bookshelf at least three times daily. I just love to read!
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