Reading with Daddy

Floating, with a little bit of help

On the move at Marseille Airport

Brushing my own teeth

My first baguette

At the beach

Reading with Granny Moo

Loving the waves

Standing up is more fun (What is daddy doing behind me?)

on the move again

Having a very rare 'quiet' moment

oooh icy cold!

Loving my plum

Loving to climb

and swing with mummy

Why can't they be warmer?

Ready for the pool

Daytime sleeps are so much nicer outside

My first exploration into sitting up in my cot intead of sleeping

What a surprise for Mummy - my first upright moment all by myself

just waiting

Floating, with a little bit of help

On the move at Marseille Airport

Brushing my own teeth

My first baguette

At the beach

Reading with Granny Moo

Loving the waves

Standing up is more fun (What is daddy doing behind me?)

on the move again

Having a very rare 'quiet' moment

oooh icy cold!

Loving my plum

Loving to climb

and swing with mummy

Why can't they be warmer?

Ready for the pool

Daytime sleeps are so much nicer outside

My first exploration into sitting up in my cot intead of sleeping

What a surprise for Mummy - my first upright moment all by myself

just waiting
I'm just logging in to let you know that Mummy has to write today as I'm too busy off and about. Mummy doesn't do much with her day except walk with me and stop me from jamming my fingers into drawers so Ive decided that it is her turn to write the blog this week. Ciao, see you next week! ( oh and just an aside, I had another 'accident' in the bath this week, very funny especially seeing Daddy's face, I mean 'a guys gotta go when a guys gotta go'. I haven't quite managed to catch mummy or daddy in the bath with me while these 'accidents' happen but I'm sure it wont be long!)
Jasper has had an incredibly amazing week, development wise. In just one week he has now changed his crawling style from snake, iguana style to the more conventional on all four knees. We have felt a little sorry for him as it has all been hard surfaces, he has particularly enjoyed crawling on concrete, wooden floors and tiles, no soft surfaces for him! As a result his knees are rather rough and scratched, not that that bothers him. He managed to sit himself up from lying down for the first time this week and now enjoys doing that every time we sit him down. He would rather stand when we put him in his cot for sleep time and one night we were woken to him screaming his head off. I raced downstairs only to find him upright, wedged on a 45 degree angle, hanging onto the side of the cot for dear life, obviously unsure how to get himself back down. Goodness knows how he got himself into such an angle at 3am!
To the amusement of everyone he enjoyed his first taste of asparagus this week as finger food. He munched his way happily through three stalks while opening the other side of his mouth for Barny to continue feeding him his dinner.
He loves stairs especially walking up them, holding Barny's hand coupled with pulling himself up on EVERYTHING - the favourites appeared to be the brick fire place, the telephone table and the side of his paddling pool. He spent nearly every day in his paddling pool, happily playing by himself, even finding it more fun at times to crawl around investigating all the nature life that had joined him in the pool. Leaves appear to be his favourite this holiday, most of them going down his throat!
We took him for his first swim at the beach, on the Mediterranean coast. He LOVED the waves, the salty taste and getting mouthfuls of water. He kicked happily around, with our help and in his floating seat. A great success.
Swimming has been a lot of fun also. He found out that if he put one 'noodle' under each arm he could float unaided for a short moment. He really enjoyed the pool this week and was less reluctant to try new things with us. Being dunked under is not his favourite experience however, maybe it is the way that we do it!
Eating his first iceblock (all fruit no naughties!) was quite an experience, he was hysterical with his facials. He obviously liked the taste but had to endure the icy cold feeling!
So a great week, nice that Barny could experience it as well. I have a feeling it won't be long until he is running around leaving me in his wake. Enjoy the holiday snaps...
Jasper has had an incredibly amazing week, development wise. In just one week he has now changed his crawling style from snake, iguana style to the more conventional on all four knees. We have felt a little sorry for him as it has all been hard surfaces, he has particularly enjoyed crawling on concrete, wooden floors and tiles, no soft surfaces for him! As a result his knees are rather rough and scratched, not that that bothers him. He managed to sit himself up from lying down for the first time this week and now enjoys doing that every time we sit him down. He would rather stand when we put him in his cot for sleep time and one night we were woken to him screaming his head off. I raced downstairs only to find him upright, wedged on a 45 degree angle, hanging onto the side of the cot for dear life, obviously unsure how to get himself back down. Goodness knows how he got himself into such an angle at 3am!
To the amusement of everyone he enjoyed his first taste of asparagus this week as finger food. He munched his way happily through three stalks while opening the other side of his mouth for Barny to continue feeding him his dinner.
He loves stairs especially walking up them, holding Barny's hand coupled with pulling himself up on EVERYTHING - the favourites appeared to be the brick fire place, the telephone table and the side of his paddling pool. He spent nearly every day in his paddling pool, happily playing by himself, even finding it more fun at times to crawl around investigating all the nature life that had joined him in the pool. Leaves appear to be his favourite this holiday, most of them going down his throat!
We took him for his first swim at the beach, on the Mediterranean coast. He LOVED the waves, the salty taste and getting mouthfuls of water. He kicked happily around, with our help and in his floating seat. A great success.
Swimming has been a lot of fun also. He found out that if he put one 'noodle' under each arm he could float unaided for a short moment. He really enjoyed the pool this week and was less reluctant to try new things with us. Being dunked under is not his favourite experience however, maybe it is the way that we do it!
Eating his first iceblock (all fruit no naughties!) was quite an experience, he was hysterical with his facials. He obviously liked the taste but had to endure the icy cold feeling!
So a great week, nice that Barny could experience it as well. I have a feeling it won't be long until he is running around leaving me in his wake. Enjoy the holiday snaps...
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