I apologise that you have to cran your neck to look at some of these pictures and the video. My computer wasn't letting me rotate them today.
Look who is pushing me to the Teddy Bears picnic. Where is Mummy? I mean she shouldn't just let anyone take me to picnics even if they are soft and cuddly!

With Daddy at Rundale Palace

With my neighbours, Sophie and Mia

I have just discovered a love of
vacuum cleaning

Love to swing

Off to the Teddy Bears picnic

Going up the stairs by myself

With Eva. Eva is my neighbour and she is 8 months. we have a lot of fun. I poke her in the eyes, she pushes me over. Best friends. Here I am singing to Eva, she really appreciates it when I do.

I just love drawers. Mummy and Daddy NEED to tidy up!
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