Monday, October 26, 2009

Cesis Castle, inside the tower

Harry and I with our lantern

Mummy and I

Playing in one of our parks

At playgroup

I just love this kitchen!

A funny old week this week. You see Mummy and Daddy just can't make up their minds where we should live so they finally tell me that we are moving again this year. Do you know in my short life I will have ALREADY lived in three countries. Hmmm I really hope Mummy and Daddy like where we are moving next! I had to tell all my friends at playgroup this week and it was very sad. Some of the mummies cried and told mummy off for leaving. I just hope they don't expect me to pack because I only just unpacked my toys.
Ive played a lot in the leaves this week with Harry but I'm not sure about them. Sometimes they are very wet and sticky and Harry likes to put them on my head. Its only funny when Mummy is covered with leavees.

Ive also done a lot of walking this week. I'm really speeding around now and adding more and more bruises to my head! I don't need Mummy at all at playgroup now so Ive noticed that she does more gossiping and drinking coffee. She really relaxes a bit too much if I can be honest.

We went away with my friend Harry this weekend. We went to a real castle and we got to walk inside with lanterns. He is a lot of fun. Harry and I understand each other and we have a mutual love of driving our cars over couches, chairs and legs.
As you can see Mummy and Daddy are insisting that I wear at least 5 layers of clothing before I even get to the car. I can hardly walk. My balance has gone and sometimes when I fall down Im like a stuck turtle. It's not fair, just when I get the hang of it they go and enforce this 'excessive clothing' rule. Daddy says I look like Bomber Harris.

Wandering at playgroup

My new wet weather trousers

Cesis Castle

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Maybe I could squeeze one of these stacking pots in my mouth with the rest of my apple?

Bedtime with Daddy

I'm now walking A LOT more and scaring Mummy every day because I also like to leap off high surfaces in the playgroup without checking that Mummy is ready!

Any similarities Grandma?

Dancing with my twin

Monday, October 12, 2009

I just have to get just that little bit more into my 'already full mouth!'

Aeroplanes and Knights. Im boyish enough to flaunt my tights!

Harry's party

Fun with Daddy

Waiting patiently for Mummy to get organised

Fancy a tissue?

Monday, October 5, 2009

In my new birthday vest jacket. Very grown up!

I wish these balls would stay still.

Liddell legs or Hampson legs, we can't decide

At music class playing the drums
Climbing the steps all by myself
What a week for me!
I will give you the highlights:
  • Walking some more steps between Mummy and whoever randomly pops by and Mummy makes me show off.
  • Meeting a 'cat' for the first time. I enjoyed grabbing, pulling and generally being very cuddly with the cat. The cat enjoyed playing games such as hide and seek though she didn't do much 'seeking', more rather a lot of hiding from me..... I'm not sure why....
  • Eating cat biscuits which belonged to my new cat friend. Mummy was rather rude when she scooped them out of my mouth as I was just settling in for a taste sensation.
  • Pooing on the floor. Well in my defence Mummy had taken my nappy off and I just had to go!
  • My biggest achievement this week is now I can say 'please' and 'more' using my hands. Mummy has been teaching me sign language and it is quite fun. Mummy is rather proud and I have to say please a lot now.
  • Wearing my 'bites,' ( boy tights for those who aren't living in the ARCTIC!) for the first time. I started off wearing my skull bites and now throughout the week Ive got through all of them. They do keep my legs rather toasty!
  • Playing with many balls. They are great fun to move in but sometimes I disappear!
  • Getting hives from 'we are not sure!' I was all spotty for Saturday night... being the party animal that I am! By Sunday they had gone, very mysterious!

What a week, I'm off for a sleep. I'm a bit sick today..until next week x