Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Mummy and Daddy took me out for a birthday treat

Mummy and Daddy took me to the Post Museum all by myself, to celebrate my 4th birthday. We had a very BB lunch and then we played being postmen in the playground there. As you can see we had lots of fun!

Mummy caught me drawing quietly while I listened to my talented Aunty Bex singing. You can just about make her out on the computer. I  love listening to her. She has a pretty voice.

So on the loveliest, sunniest, brightest day of the week all of my Bournehavn class ( Twenty One 3-5 year olds!) came over to my house to celebrate my birthday. They came the day after my birthday and it was so much fun. Daddy even hid some treaties in the garden for us to find. We made our own wraps for lunch and decorated our own cupcake. What a fun day. Mummy and Daddy were SO PLEASED it was SUNNY! They also couldnt believe that there wasnt one tantrum or anything broken. We are very well trained, when everyone left they had already tidied up so Mummy could put her feet up, well not quite....

Everyone in my class drew me a picture for my birthday and sang the long version of Happy Birthday in Danish to me.

Here I am opening
my present from The Frenchies. So excited as I got to jazz up my scooter with a new horn, and stickers.

Thank you Granny Moo and Farfar for my lovely present. I love Peter Pan and some music which we havent stopped listening to. Felix dances along to it as well as Mummy and Daddy.
I have lots of people to thank for remembering me. Thank you Aunty Lotta, Uncle Darrin, Jonathan and Oliver for my lovely book, all about a boy called Jasper who was on holiday. I also love my new sticker book
Thank you Aunty Bex, it was so nice to open my present in front of you on Skype. I love TREASURE ISLAND; Im sure a big boy having such a BIG BOY book!
Thank you Aunty Poppy, UNcle Phil, Hal and Tess for my Sailor teeshirt. I can sail the seven seas now.
Thank you for the person who sent me batteries...... we arent sure about the meaning of this... maybe all will be revealed.
Thank you Frenchies for my '
Thank you NZ Claridges for all my treaties and stickers and books. Wow I really have been spoilt.
I love having birthdays Ive decided!  I got 7 cards and 5 were all about pirates and 2 were about elephants. You all know me!

September Whippee Birthday Month

                                   Whippee its my birthday. I am now four! Here I am having my birthday juice, freshly made by yours truely. I even got to have little sausages and croissant for breakfast as well!
Here I am opening my first birthday present around 7am! Its from Felix and its perfect, more knights for my collection.

                                            No birthday is complete without new books, yay!
Now I can be a real knight with my new helmet and shield

Now for the big one, I wonder what it is....
Yay, I love play mobile

I had some of my friends over for cake after Bournehavn. Frida, Moa and Josephine could come and help me celébrate and of course eat lots of cake with me.

Here is my treasure chest. Daddy told me that him and Mummy found it buried in the woods and there was a key with it. So it was my job to try to open it to see what was inside...

                                                     And it was FULL of treasure, yummy yummy. Lots
                                                     of gold coins and sweeties for me.
Taking on the evil Daddy pirate with Moa